ISLAND PACIFIC ACADEMY recently hosted a special luncheon to celebrate Ronan Aragon ‘27, the first recipient of the Hisako Wilhelm Endowed Scholarship. The intimate event was attended by Lance Wilhelm and his daughter Kate ‘20, as well as Aragon’s mother and grandmother, all of whom gathered to honor the scholarship’s impact on Ronan and the IPA community.
The scholarship, established in 2020 through a generous $50,000 gift from Wilhelm and his wife, Marcy, supports students from single-parent households who demonstrate both academic excellence and financial need. The endowment honors Wilhelm’s late mother, Hisako Wilhelm, who, as a single parent, prioritized providing her children with the best possible education.
Reflecting on the establishment of the scholarship, Wilhelm previously shared, “Our family has a long connection with ISLAND PACIFIC ACADEMY, and my wife and I felt it was important to provide other families with the opportunity to have their children attend this outstanding educational institution. Our daughter got an exemplary education at IPA and thrived in a supportive community. We hope this scholarship will help ease the financial burden often associated with private school education.”
Aragon, a bright and motivated student, shared his appreciation during the luncheon.
“It’s just so great to be able to do this with so many people here who have known me since Elementary school. I never thought I would be receiving a scholarship in high school. I want to give a special thanks to the Wilhelm family.”
IPA’s Head of School, Gerald Teramae, expressed his gratitude during the event, noting the lasting impact of the Wilhelms’ generosity. “We are excited to see the Hisako Wilhelm Endowed Scholarship come to life with Ronan as its first recipient. This marks the beginning of the lasting impact that Lance and Marcy envisioned when they established the endowment. Their generosity is already making a difference, and we look forward to seeing how this scholarship will continue to open doors for future students.”
The Hisako Wilhelm Endowed Scholarship is part of IPA’s broader commitment to making a college preparatory education accessible to more students, more than 25% of the student body receiving need-based tuition assistance each year.