Theatre and Drama


Summer Theatre Camp

This fast-paced, week-long musical theater camp takes students in Grades 1-8 through daily fun activities and engaging rehearsals as students prepare for their production.

This year’s camp will produce Lion King Jr. Past productions include Annie101 Dalmatians, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Register for our Summer Theatre Camp through our Experience & Explore Summer Enrichment page.

Theatre and drama summer theatre camp with IPA students under a Candy Man sign
Theatre and drama summer theatre camp with IPA students under a Candy Man sign

Grades K-5 Creative Drama Enrichment Class

Creative Drama is a weekly after school enrichment class for Grades K-5. Dramatic activities can include pantomime, creative movement, creative drama, storytelling, chorals speaking, story drama, reader’s theatre, theatre games, puppetry, and musical theatre.


Grades 6-12 Theatre Classes

In the Middle School Arts Trimester students take Theatre every year in Grades 6-8 for one trimester out of the year.

In Upper School, theatre is a year-long art course that students may take in Grades 9-12.

In Grades 11 and 12, students can take the IB Theatre class as a part of the DP program.

For more information about out theatre classes, see our Upper School curriculum.

Theatre and drama grade 6-12 with IPA students performing a Mime.
Theatre and Drama students performing in a play
Theatre and drama performance from IPA students of the wizard of oz.

Fall and Spring Theatre Performances

Every Fall, students who are primarily in the upper grades act in a play production. Students in all secondary grades participate in all other aspects of putting on a show. Students are involved in acting, directing, stage management, set design, construction, lights, sound, sound engineering, hair and makeup, costumes, props, and house management. Past Fall productions include Moon Over BuffaloThe 39 StepsAlmost Maine, and You Can’t Take it With You.

Every Spring students who are primarily in the middle grades act in a musical production. Students participate in all aspects of putting on a show. Students are involved in acting, directing, stage management, choreography, set design, construction, lights, sound, sound engineering, hair and makeup, costumes, props, and house management. Past Spring productions include Wizard of OzMulan, and James and the Giant Peach.

At the end of every school year, there is a Theatre Showcase to share the work students in the upper theatre classes have done all year. It is also followed by an induction ceremony for the incoming Thespian Society members.


International Thespian Society

The International Thespian Society is the theatre honor society for students in the upper grades. ITS has a point system that helps to track student work in performance, tech, and production staff categories. Students must earn a certain number of points in order to be inducted into the society.

Members of the society attend a yearly International Thespian Festival which includes workshops, college and scholarship auditions, as well as opportunities to showcase and receive assessment on tech and performance skills.

Theater and drama thespain society with IPA students in black robes