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I Mua Me Ka Haʻaheo

Go Forward with Confidence


Our Mission

VALUE individuality

EMPOWER students

INSPIRE future success


“Navigators of Change” who
Go Forward with Confidence

I Mua Me Ka Ha’aheo


To cultivate values-driven students who positively impact the world.

Core Values

Power of human kindness
Generosity of spirit
Growth mindset
Commitment to excellence

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

ISLAND PACIFIC ACADEMY’s vision is to inspire and enable our students to “Go Forward with Confidence” (I Mua Me Ka Haʻaheo) to become caring, contributing citizens who can succeed in an ever-changing world. 

Our proposed beliefs: 

  • Students first 
  • Values matter
  • Community counts

Our Mission

ISLAND PACIFIC ACADEMY empowers students to unlock their potential by providing a well-rounded college and career preparatory education that values each child’s individuality, builds confidence and character, and inspires future success as engaged citizens and life-long learners in a place where values matter.

Our Core Values

Integral to the school’s philosophy are the core values of:

  • Power of human kindness
  • Generosity of spirit
  • Growth mindset
  • Commitment to excellence
  •  Ingenuity

Our Core Values

To cultivate values-driven students who positively impact the world.