Authentic Learning

We believe that learning should be meaningful for students and when students take part on authentic learning experiences, they will develop a deeper understanding for what they are learning. Authentic learning takes many forms at ISLAND PACIFIC ACADEMY.

Students participate in a variety of learning experiences in real contexts. For example, students use technology, such as iPads, to accomplish real life tasks, such as students in the Tech Club who provide audio and visual support for Monday morning assemblies. Students in various grades garden and practice sustainability as a part of their learning.

Guest speakers and experts are an important part of students’ learning. For example, TV metorologists often visit Grade 3 during their “Weather” unit. Students in Grade 4 learn to make their own kapa from a kumu that visits them. In Mandarin, experts come in to teach students about different celebrations, such as the Moon Festival.

We believe that our learning extends beyond the school walls and into the community. Our students go on a variety of learning trips into the community, with a purposeful learning goal, often related to their units of study.

3 IPA students each working on a piece of wood
IPA Students observing a teacher
IPA students at a table with 1 student holding an ipad device