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Sporter Air Riflery

About the Program

Sporter Air Riflery is a marksmanship competition in which shooters compete from three different firing positions: prone, kneeling and standing. The IPA Navigators have found great success in the recent years, including the 2017 Hawaiʻi High School Athletic Association State Champion.

While the sport is very different from other high school sports that are offered, the challenge is just as great. This sport takes coordination, muscle and breath control, focus, and everything else the more traditional sports require.

IPA 2022-2023 JV & Varsity Sporter Air Riflery Team
2022-2023 JV and Varsity Sporter Air Riflery Team
Jeff Babas

Jeff Babas

Head Coach

Mark Cardillo

Mark Cardillo

Assistant Coach

Boys and Girls Varsity & JV 2024-2025

Junior Varsity

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