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Annual Fund Giving Nears 1/3 of $150,000 Goal

Mahalo to our Island Pacific Academy families, relatives, faculty and staff, Board members, friends and supporters of the school whose donations to the Annual Fund have put us close to one-third of the way toward this year’s $150,000 goal.

Why Participation Matters

Annual Fund graphics how to read
The image above shows how to “read” the weekly Annual Fund graphic.  The compass rose graphic on the left is complete showing the $150,000 goal.  The graphic over the white background has a portion of the compass rose yet to be revealed.  As the total rises more and more of the compass rose will be added.  Below the compass rose is a bar graphic illustrating the percent of participation. As participation increases, the blue bar will lengthen.

While the monetary goal is important, the goal of 100{ecf245a61dbeb35a782c86c44f242cdc7d98fa7632a752b76c5afca81a7454ba} participation is equally so.  A frequent question on grant applications asks “What percentage of your families (or Board, or faculty) donate to the Annual Fund?”  Before some organizations or foundations will support a school, they first want to see that the school is being supported from within by those most vested in it: students’ families, the staff and faculty that work there, and the board that governs it.

Every Gift is Important

2015-2016 AF video screen shot 1
The graphic above illustrates that small gifts of $5, $25, or $50 are appreciated and matter just as much as larger gifts to the Annual Fund.

Every gift to the Annual Fund, large or small, helps every student.  Each gift helps get IPA closer to the end goal and increases the rate of participation.  All gifts help IPA continue to offer outstanding programs which let all of our students thrive.

Watch IPA’s Annual Fund video now.  Give now.

2015-2016 AF video screen shot 3 Yamamura Bravo
Rylyne Bravo (’19), who won a writing contest, gets a hug from middle school humanities teacher, Sabine Yamamura.  Read Rylyne’s story here.

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