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IPA’s Faculty Feel the Love During Teacher Appreciation Week

BREAKING NEWS:  ISLAND PACIFIC ACADEMY has the most amazing and generous families on the island!
In observation of Teacher Appreciation Day, IPA’s parent association (IPAPA) organized an entire week of giving back to IPA’s teachers.  The week of appreciation began with the “red carpet” treatment (literally) and “room service” through which the teachers had breakfast delivered to their classrooms.  The rock star treatment continued on Tuesday with a Hawaii Five-0 craft table at which teachers could pick up snacks and refreshments to get them through the day.  “Personal assistants” were also on hand to provide administrative assistance to help make the teachers’ day go smoothly.  On Wednesday, teachers were able to order from a selection of bentos that were delivered to them during lunch period.  And last, but not least, because IPA’s faculty truly are stars who dedicate so much of their time and energy to their students and who deserve some serious pampering, teachers were treated to massages, and to facials from Rodan + Fields representative and IPA parent, Grace Bravo.

“We really are so grateful to the teachers here at IPA,” shared Lillian Napuelua, IPA grandparent and volunteer. “IPA is such a special place and much of that is because the teachers are so dedicated to our kids and passionate about their work.”  Michele Glukfeld, IPAPA President added, “It has been a pleasure doing all this for our faculty.  We just wanted to let them know that we appreciate everything they do for our kids.”

The faculty have taken advantage of all the pampering and enjoyed their snacks and massages.  “I have never worked at a school that has done so much for its faculty!” commented Kori Shlachter, College Counselor.  It’s a good feeling.”

IPAPA would like to thank the volunteers that helped make this week a success .

Chalk rubbed out on blackboard