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Elementary Students Get Ready For First Day of School

This morning the elementary building was filled with students and families excitedly visiting their new classrooms and teachers, with arms full of new school supplies in hand.  As a part of the traditional “Meet and Greet” morning, teachers met and welcomed their students, giving them an opportunity to get to see their classrooms and connect with old and new friends.  Younger students found their cubbies and backpack hooks, while 4th and 5th grade students enthusiastically challenged themselves to locate their lockers and learn how to open them, as well as began to personalize their lockers with decorations.  The sounds of students chattering and laughing brought huge smiles to the faces of the elementary faculty and staff, appreciating that the building is not complete without our wonderful students and families.


Mrs. MomiPaul receives a welcome hug from Mrs. Momi Kuahiwinui, Kindergarten teacher

sandy romoSofia and her mom, Cindy, are all smiles as they meet Sofia’s Grade 2 teacher, Mrs. Sandy Romo.